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The Detroit Beware of the Dandelions residency is now complete. Below is a list of past installation events.
The Beware of the Dandelions installation maps community stories of resilience and resistance. During each installation viewing we will host a facilitated dialogue on movement memories we have collected with communities in Detroit, Dallas, and Seattle, and how these relate to to current and local community-led social justice strategies. Each of these events is an opportunity to view the installation and engage in community dialogue.
- Saturday, October 8th: 1-4pm
Saturday, October 22nd: 1-4pm
- Saturday, October 29th: 1-4pm
- Special youth invitation for October 29th:
Feedom Freedom Growers Youth in partnership with Complex Movements would like to invite young people to view Movement Memory Maps and have an open dialogue on very courageous people's stories. After viewing the installation together, we will hold a youth-facilitated conversation about what the stories mean to us.
All installation viewings take place at Talking Dolls, 7145 E Davison St, Detroit, MI 48212
For all performance and installation events:
- The venue is wheelchair accessible (33” door width, with ramp—please contact lex@alliedmedia.org with questions in advance), as is the Beware of the Dandelions installation./span>
- During the Beware of the Dandelions installation mode, a limited number of chairs are available upon request.
- All gender accessible restrooms are available.
- Attendees are asked to please avoid wearing scents in consideration of other attendees with chemical sensitivity.